Once a manager had a team of around 40 people and most of them were bright, enthusiastic,
and hardworking young people.
But the manager had a problem in the team, individually everyone is excelling but as a team,
they are not sharing the information with each other which is very important for the team’s
growth. Once a manager had a team of around 40 people and most of them were bright,
enthusiastic, and hardworking young people.
During the outing, he invited everyone to a big room for a game consisting of 3 rounds. He told
everyone to blow a balloon which was kept on the table and write their name on the balloon
without tampering it. Hearing this all team members were able to blow a balloon and wrote their
names on it.
Then he told everyone to wait outside for the next round. After some time, he calls them back to
the room. After entering, team members could see there were more balloons without names
being added and scattered around.
The manager told them, they will be given 15 minutes to find the balloon they left behind with
their name on it, among the scattered balloons. The first three persons who find their balloons
will be winners and the one who pops the balloon will be disqualified.
Everyone started searching for their balloons and after 15 minutes Manager stopped the round
as no one was able to identify their balloons.
For the next round, the manager told them, if any team member finds a balloon with a name on
it, give the balloon to the person whose name was on it.
Everyone started searching and within a couple of minutes, every member of the team had their
balloon with their own name on it.
After that, Manager went to the dais and told, ” You see, in the 2nd round no one was able to
find their balloons as we were working on individual target but in the final round within a couple
of minutes everyone had their balloon with them, that’s the power of teamwork and sharing to
each other”.